CHALLENGE The slogan “learning the art of living is a lifelong task” Website for Psychologist Emmery, an independent clinic in Espergærde. Keep it simple … RESULT A functional project, simple functionality and design. A so-called “one page” WordPress solution.
Author Archives: collage
CHALLENGE A bigger project. Søndagsavisen bought 9 Berlingske local newspapers and 1W Multimedia was invited to a meeting on the compilation of their web sites. The project was exciting, the editors and all journalists were taught and upgraded their skills in WordPress, Indesign Photoshop m.f. RESULT An exciting project, lots of functionality and design. 1W […]
CHALLENGE An exciting project. Webshop system with WordPress and Woocommerce implemented shop. RESULT An exciting project, lots of functionality and design.
CHALLENGE An exciting project. Prepared in Flash. Unfortunately, Flash is not used anymore. It was a pleasure to have creative freedom in relation to our systems today. RESULT An exciting project, lots of functionality and design.
CHALLENGE An exciting project. Prepared in Flash. Preparation in collaboration with Bonyt. Thorough work was done on functionality and, in collaboration, we reached a functionally nice design that, at the same time, distinguished itself from the volume. RESULT An exciting project, lots of functionality and design.
The model was created in Adobe Flash which unfortunately does not exist anymore. It was a fantastic program as a gift of unimaginable visual effect possibilities and a manageable rarity seen for so many homes in the at that time Denmark’s largest residential building. Since Flash can no longer be displayed, I managed to record […]
CHALLENGE The magazine “All about your dog and cat health” The magazine is of course produced in ADOBE Indesign. The magazine is printed in 60,000 copies. “Everything about your dog and cat health” has been a success from the start. Veterinarian Mogens Hansen stands for professional professional content. We took the initiative 30 years ago […]
CHALLENGE Good functionality and design in cooperation with Tingkov Design, Visual Communication. An exciting WordPress project. We update, maintain and host this site. RESULT An exciting project with lots of functionality and simple design. Visit the site →
CHALLENGE Good functionality and design in collaboration with Sindet Bruun. An exciting WordPress project with WooCommerce shop solution. During preparation – the shop section will be launched in 2015. We update, maintain and host this website. RESULT An exciting project with lots of functionality and simple design. Visit the site →
CHALLENGE Simple WordPress design project. RESULT Good functionality and simple design. We update, maintain this website. Visit the site →